27 August 2012


what I wish I were happening right now

     There hasn't been a whole lot of sleep going on these past few nights, and I am tired. I'm thinking 8 o'clock sounds like an appropriate bedtime for me. Other than lack of sleep, what a great weekend and Monday so far! I've been enjoying the hint of fall crispness in the air. I think it'll come earlier this year, praise God!
In more exciting news, my oldest brother and his family are coming to visit from Florida this Wednesday. It has been ONE WHOLE YEAR since I've seen any of them, and haven't even met my nephew, baby Will yet. I am so pumped! Now if only I could fly my sister in from Australia, we'd have the whole crew. I'm sure much Skyping will take place. Family + food = one of the best things in life.

Have a wonderful week! I'm not sure I'll be around much this week, but hopefully next week I can get back to some blogging that's worth reading. Hopefully...

22 August 2012

60th Anniversary Memories

 Here's a little (long) video my siblings put together as a gift to my grandparents for their anniversary. There were too many memories to even put in without the video being so long. If you have 23 minutes, check it out!

20 August 2012

Monday in Pictures

 Hi everyone! I accidentally took an unexpected break from blogging. Whoops. Kev and I have been busily looking for new cars this whole week but with absolutely zero luck. Oh well, onward we go! Other than that, I have nothing substantial to write about this second (what's new?), so I will leave you with weird pictures we took today on our day off.

The cowboy one is my fav. Have a wonderful week!

13 August 2012

Loving Lately: Kale Smoothies

Smoothies are the perfect summertime breakfast. They're quick, cold, and refreshing. Lately, I've been super into kale smoothies. They are so yummy! For those of you leery about adding greens to your smoothie, don't be! You can hardly, if at all, taste the kale. It has such a subtle flavor but jam packs your smoothie with tons of nutrients, unlike eagle eggs.

Here's how I've been making my green mango banana smoothie:
  • 1 banana
  • ~1/2 cup of frozen mangoes
  • 1 handful of kale with ribs removed (use spinach if you don't have kale on hand)
  • ~1/2 cup of pure apple juice
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of coconut oil (works best at room temperature)
  • a few ice cubes for good measure
Combine all ingredients and enjoy! If you don't like mangoes, you could substitute any fruit you'd like. I'm sure OJ would be delicious, too. Yum.

 Do you have any favorite smoothie recipes you'd like to share? I'd love to have 'em.

 Happy Monday! I've got a feeling this week is going to be a good'n.

What are you loving lately? Head on over to Winged Writer and share your link!

10 August 2012

A Few Favs

Oh, internet, what goodness did you bring in for me this week? I wouldn't know, because I haven't browsed it very much. Here are a few things I did manage to stumble upon that are noteworthy (to me, anyway).

Free Rice - This site is awesome! For every answer you get correct, Free Rice gives 10 grains of rice to the World Food Programme to help end hunger. Educate yourself and help those in need! Double win.

Hunter Rain boots - Yes, the are outrageously priced and I could never justify spending that much for boots just for them to get dirty in the garden. But this photo makes me anxious for fall so I can get outside and dig in the dirt.

Forks Over Knives - People of America, PLEASE WATCH THIS! I know I am not going to convince anybody on here to change the way they eat, so do yourself a favor and watch for yourself. Let's take advantage of the awesome whole foods God gave us to make us and keep us healthy.
It's inspired me to start off by making small changes to my diet, like blending up a kale smoothie every morning. Delish and nutrish. Maybe I'll share that recipe next week.

Speaking of recipes, Penni of Banjelope has delicious, made-from-scratch recipes you must try. Trust me, I've had some of them, and they are mm-mm-good.

And, woohoo, it's Friday! Tonight, I'm attending an artisan bread making class. I think we're trying our hand at baguettes. Yum! Also, Scales of Motion is playing at Joe Mama's Pizza, so if you like pizza and music, you'll definitely want to be there. If you just like pizza and hate music, get the 5 dollar pizza from Little Caesar's. Or make this homemade pizza.

Happy weekend! Share a smile with someone today!

09 August 2012

1 2 3

Are you guys tired of looking at pictures of us yet? Yes? Well, sorry about that. Maybe I'll post something different tomorrow...like a picture of my weird cat or some mountains.
Until then, here's a little trip down memory lane.

I think 3 years looks best on us. Kevin says our hair is a little more contained in the 3rd year picture.
I guess we both decided it would be a good idea to comb our hair after 3 years.

08 August 2012


all photos by Kris Payne

"Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away..." Song of Solomon 8:7

3 years later and more in love than ever.
Kev, you rock at being an awesome spiritual leader, husband, and best friend.
Thanks for loving me like Jesus loves us.
Here's to many more years of love with you!
Happy Anniversary, Hon.

06 August 2012

60 years of wonderful

 Saturday night, we celebrated my grandparents' 60th anniversary and my Papaw's 87th birthday.  Wow, what awesome milestones to celebrate! My dad got in touch with Tommy Crook* and asked him to come out and give a private concert. I'm pretty sure my grandparents loved it (we all did). Tommy played lots of old tunes that my grandparents knew, including the song Papaw's brother sang at their wedding. It was so special. And seeing them dance was heart melting. So devoted and in love after all these years. It's inspirational, people! Oh, and I can't forget to mention that my brother, Joe, made the most delicious meal for us all: maple glazed salmon, cilantro lime rice, broiled pineapple with cayenne pepper, and a yummy salad. Mmmm.... Thanks Joe!

All photos by Erika Bartel

 I asked my grandma what the secret to 60 years is, and she replied "Endurance!....and commitment and forgiveness. Especially if you can learn to forgive and forget."
 I think she's on to something.

*If you live in Tulsa and have never seen Tommy Crook live, you need to! I believe he plays some nights at Lanna Thai. Call them for details, though!

03 August 2012

Sixty + Eighty-Seven

 Today is such a special day. My Papaw turns 87, and it is also my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. 60! They got married on his birthday. "Less dates to remember," is the reason my grandma gives. Smart lady.
 I could give many sweet memories of them, but that could be pages long. If you've had the pleasure of meeting my grandparents, you know what a true blessing they are to everyone. If you haven't met, well, you better get to it. You're missing out on some top notch stories and delicious meals, my friend.
 I'm so thankful to have them both around, and I so can't wait to celebrate them both this weekend.
Happy birthiversary to my favorite people in world!
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