23 August 2011

Reasons I love my husband

It's the small things like coming home to a bag of Smartfood Popcorn on my pillow...

19 August 2011

The Big Reveal...

Kevin and I have been working on remodeling our kitchen since February. It's been quite a long process, and that's an understatement. Let's just blame it on us being amateurs. After hours and hours of painting and applying hardware, our kitchen is about 95% done. When Kevin gets home from work tonight, he'll put the rest of the hardware on, I'll finish painting the shelf trim, apply shelf liners, and then ORGANIZE! I am most excited about just having a place to put all my dishes and glasses. I still have unpacked boxes in the garage I am dying to get cleaned and put away.

Before I post pictures of the new kitchen, let's take a look down memory lane...

(hideous, isn't it?)
Moving the door so we can add more cabinets
 The cabinets in our garage begging to be put in
 Bill scraping the ceiling/ helping prepare an area for the new bar
 cabinet fairies
 New floor!
So close, yet so far away...

Stay tuned for a big reveal... I CANNOT wait!

18 August 2011

"When I am consumed by my problems-stressed out about my life, my family, and my job-I actually convey the belief that I think the circumstances are more important than God's command to always rejoice." -Francis Chan, Crazy Love

16 August 2011

Nitty Gritty

Here are a few truths for today:
  • I am so tired of painting cabinets. They are all starting to blur together. I can't remember which one I just painted. Too much white.
  • I am wondering why we are called to live in this house. It'd be much easier to live in a tiny apartment. I guess "easy" isn't always what God has in mind, if ever.
  • My sister is in town for a month and a half visiting from Australia (yay!) Next month will be the first time in 2 years my immediate family will all be together. I can't wait.
  • I have been daydreaming of fall for months now. I can't wait to work on my yard while wearing a sweater.
  • I don't think I've ever heard anything sweeter than Kev talking about Jesus with my 10yr old baby brother. 
  • I think this is actually my blog...Maybe Kevin will guest post someday :-)
How's your week so far? Have you made any good realizations this week?

09 August 2011

Sometimes, you gotta pull the safety glasses out, and it just ticks you off for some reason.

Kevin and I had a great trip/anniversary. More later!
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