18 June 2011

25th & Skillern: Garden Edition

   When we moved into our new house, I had noticed that the previous owners had a garden plot fenced off in the backyard. However, it looked like a jungle in there. The garden was probably from a few owners back.
I somehow decided it would be a great idea to rip everything out and start fresh. I must mention, I have never gardened anything in my life, much less done any research.
   Kev and I got in there and ripped out all the pre-existing plots, "tilled" the soil, and flattened out one tiny 6x6ish area to put another plot. So we got our small plot in there, planted squash and cantaloupe, and then.........GRASS! GRASS EVERYWHERE! Why can't it grow in my yard, seriously? I have literally been outside for the past month on my knees picking grass out of the garden so it won't choke my squash and cantaloupe. I'm still in the process of figuring out how to do it better next year. Any tips, fellow gardeners?
You can see here that a majority of the garden is still unattended. 
Hopefully we can make some progress this fall.
Cantaloupe in foreground, yellow squash in the background.
Grass seen all over.. ;-)
Cute baby squash, about 2" long now.
I decided to grow our okra, cherry tomatoes, and jalapenos in tubs.
So far, so good!
 Cherry tomato about to turn. Yum!
Hopefully the jalapenos will start blooming soon!
Okra.....I'm most excited about this!
I'm going to try my hand at pickling when the okra is mature enough to pick. 
Tired hands at the end of a day of gardening.

What about you all? Anyone growing anything this summer? I'd love to hear about any tips or tricks or problems you've encountered along the way!

15 June 2011

Neglect? No way!

I know you think we're not taking this blog thing seriously, but we are! As soon as we came up with this idea, not 1, but both of our cameras died! Our birthdays are in a little over a week, so we're going to treat ourselves to a new camera. Hopefully after that, we can get things up and running around 25th and Skillern.
And I promise Kevin will make a post on here....someday.

Hoping your days are filled with abundant joy and peace!
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