15 February 2012

Rainy Day Poetry

Today, I thought I'd share a few of the gems that Brandon has written for his poetry assignments this past week. It's been so fun seeing his thoughts come out on paper. Pure creativity!
I think The Electric Sky is my favorite.

The Sounds of my Everyday World
Listen! Do you hear...someone
coming near it sounds like a creek
babbling wait it should be my cat
Wobbling he likes to meow and also
he likes to make the sound "cuppow."
Wobbling can roar like a lion and
pour water into a fountain like a human.

The Electric Sky
Lightning is like electricity from
the sky. Usually when it goes on my
mom makes apple pie. When I climb
a mountain that looks really high
I'm going to sigh but when I look up
I always see the electric sky.

Earsplitting Roar
I once saw an immeasurable cat
that was orange and black.
It's earsplitting roar could scare a bat
it made my ears crack.

10 February 2012

Sigh, it's the weekend.

 I'm sorry all I post is pictures these days. By the time I sit down to actually write something, my mind turns to mush and I can't even remember how to spell "write" (seriously, I just spelled it "right"). These pictures were taken during art and literature yesterday. B is so fun to photograph.
 Tonight, T is celebrating his 13th birthday at 25th and Skillern. He has 4 friends over for the night. They are currently fattening up on pizza, air heads, and Coke (the legal kind). So as you can imagine, I am locking myself in my bedroom for the evening, but not before I steal 10 pieces of candy and the whole 2 liter of Mountain Dew for my own personal party.
 Have a great weekend! I hear there is snow in the forecast...dang meteorologists better be right.

02 February 2012

Cut it out.

Sometimes your husband asks you to give him a haircut. You gladly oblige. The results, in my case, were very pleasing. Dang, my man cleans up good.
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