22 October 2015


I feel like the Lord told me to sit down and write. That sentence freaks me out to type, because I'm still new to this "I feel like Jesus is telling me..." stuff. It's a bold statement, but I think it pleases Jesus when we're bold. It gives Him even more permission to be glorified through us.

  • what if it wasn't really Jesus?
  • did I make that up?
  • is the enemy playing another game (he's so sneaky).
Those are my top 3 reasons for dismissing the reoccurring theme of Jesus wanting me to share my story. I don't even know what that means right now (I'm scared). But the best I can come up with is to test that still small voice in my spirit. "Write," it says.  So I will. And if good fruits come, I'll grow a little more confident that I can indeed hear better than I think. And if I didn't hear correctly, I'll grow a little more confident that His grace is sufficient, and that He's perfecting me as I step out.

From an Instagrammer I happened upon this morning: "But who are we without experience? The best learning only takes place when we are the ones 'doing the doing'."

So, I'm gonna do the doing, and in my baby steps I have a feeling I'll be figuring out how to share my story the way I'm supposed to.



  1. I support this :) & look forward to "hearing" your story.

  2. Vulnerably sharing is the most beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Adrienne!
    P.S. Love the changes on your site!


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