28 October 2015


Yesterday, I was running an errand for work when I got to thinking about the ways God speaks to His children. I recounted a gal from our life group saying how God often speaks to her through billboards, movies, etc. "How creative and personal you are, God," I thought. He knows what gets our attention. God knew my heart was longing to be open to seeing Him however He wanted to speak. I need those little breakthroughs of Heaven in my day to help me keep pressing on.

I was simultaneously listening to a new worship album I found a couple weeks back by John Mark and Sarah McMillan. In one of my faves from the album, Heart Won't Stop, it reads:

I could lay my head in Sheol
I could make my bed at the bottom of the darkness deep
Oh, but there is not a place I could escape You
Your heart won't stop coming after me

Maybe it's what we've been learning in our School of Kingdom Ministry class (more on that later!) about the kingdom being already but not yet, or the kingdom has come and is coming, but as I heard those words in the song, I had the most vivid scene flash through my mind. Jesus, clothed in fierce love and kindness, running towards darkness while pulling all of heaven behind Him. He penetrates the darkness and grabs hold of me as I'm running to Him (you, your situation, my family, your family, etc.), taking back what has been stolen, what is rightfully His. Darkness cannot overcome Him. I was overwhelmed with gratitude for such a passionate Redeemer. There is not a place too dark, too broken, too evil, that He cannot restore.

As I snapped back to reality, I looked straight ahead at the car in front of me. A red truck whose license plate read clear as day: RESCUER

Sweet confirmation just seconds after such a moving picture from Jesus. It's like He said, "Yep! That picture was from me, and that scene really is happening every single day. I've come and I'm coming for you! I'm the Rescuer."

Jesus, we have eyes, let us see. We have ears, let us hear. May we surrender our expectations of how you do things and just grow in expectancy that you will and are still moving and speaking.

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