Oh, internet, what goodness did you bring in for me this week? I wouldn't know, because I haven't browsed it very much. Here are a few things I did manage to stumble upon that are noteworthy (to me, anyway).
Free Rice - This site is awesome! For every answer you get correct, Free Rice gives 10 grains of rice to the World Food Programme to help end hunger. Educate yourself and help those in need! Double win.
Hunter Rain boots - Yes, the are outrageously priced and I could never justify spending that much for boots just for them to get dirty in the garden. But
this photo makes me anxious for fall so I can get outside and dig in the dirt.
Forks Over Knives - People of America,
PLEASE WATCH THIS! I know I am not going to convince anybody on here to change the way they eat, so do yourself a favor and watch for yourself. Let's take advantage of the awesome whole foods God gave us to make us and keep us healthy.
It's inspired me to start off by making small changes to my diet, like blending up a kale smoothie every morning. Delish and nutrish. Maybe I'll share that recipe next week.
Speaking of recipes, Penni of
Banjelope has delicious, made-from-scratch recipes you must try. Trust me, I've had some of them, and they are mm-mm-good.
And, woohoo, it's Friday! Tonight, I'm attending an artisan bread making class. I think we're trying our hand at baguettes. Yum! Also,
Scales of Motion is playing at Joe Mama's Pizza, so if you like pizza
and music, you'll definitely want to be there. If you just like pizza and hate music, get the 5 dollar pizza from Little Caesar's. Or make this
homemade pizza. Happy weekend! Share a smile with someone today!