09 August 2012

1 2 3

Are you guys tired of looking at pictures of us yet? Yes? Well, sorry about that. Maybe I'll post something different tomorrow...like a picture of my weird cat or some mountains.
Until then, here's a little trip down memory lane.

I think 3 years looks best on us. Kevin says our hair is a little more contained in the 3rd year picture.
I guess we both decided it would be a good idea to comb our hair after 3 years.


  1. gogpdffd..throwing up. (at how cute this is)

  2. p.s. seriously thought y'all were just chuckin' up the deuces when you first posted the 2nd picture.

  3. This is such a great idea! You both look adorable.

  4. 1. Cute.
    2. Lol, Rik.
    3. If you need any additional photos of your weird cat, I can totes hook you up.


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