This week, our small group is doing an experiment of stillness in prayer. I am anxious/excited about that. Excited, as my soul is so craving this alone time with the Lord, but I'm anxious because I haven't spent time alone in so long (or really ever, if I think about it). What if God actually
does something in those 20 minutes of silence with Him? Scary, right? I'm so thankful for getting to experience this kind of thing along side others, though.
Things around 25th and Skillern are so busy! But busy in the best way possible. Several months ago, Kev and I thought this house was pretty much a curse. We hated it here. We asked God to help us use this house for His glory...and He has done just that. More times than not, there's always friends or family over. We have an amazing roommate, Melissa. There's prayer nights. There's
dancing nights There's Halloween parties. Most importantly, God is here. It's so refreshing to get the focus off us and the house and its problems and onto those who come into it and how we can bless them.
Hope you all have a great week and weekend. I'll leave you with some pictures from our Halloween party on Monday.
L-R: horn girl, Egyptian goddess, pink haired rock and roll girl, sugar skull |
Asian tourist and a woopie cushion |
woopie, greaser, hipster mummy |
Jamie, me, Julienne, Erika (beautiful zombie princess) |
You were a Sugar Skull?? That's genius! (Although the first picture kinda creeped me out--not used to seeing you without a smile) Love all the pics.
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20 minutes of silence with God - what if he speaks? What if he doesn't? The fact that either one makes me uneasy reminds me that just making the space for God makes me restless...