18 October 2011

"Do a Ollie"

   I have recently started helping my mom home-school my little brother, Brandon. She will drop him off around 8:30 every morning, and he's here until about 2:30 or 3:00. It's been quite a challenge, as I've never been keen on teaching things to other people. It has already been such a good test for patience, but also very rewarding because I get to see certain subjects "click" with him.
   That's not the only benefit, though. According to Oklahoma state law, he must have 45 minutes of physical activity logged in each day. Since Kevin and I don't really have a lot of "play stuff" for Brandon, he brought his bike and skateboard over. We have started riding bikes around my neighborhood (it is so fun, and I am so out of shape!). And when Kevin is home from work, he will skateboard with B.
   Yesterday, Kev and I were sitting on the front porch talking while B was messing around on his skateboard when all of a sudden we heard, "I did it!!!" Brandon landed his first ollie. How awesome is that? I am so proud of him! Needless to say, the rest of that p.e. time was taken up with doing ollies and Kev taking pictures of the ollies.
   I love seeing my siblings get really excited about their accomplishments. Keep it up, Brandon! You're going to be the next Tony Hawk.

(For those who don't know what an ollie is, you can watch a video here.)


  1. Way to go, Brandon! I love that you're getting time outside with him as well as next to the computer. :D
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