10 February 2012

Sigh, it's the weekend.

 I'm sorry all I post is pictures these days. By the time I sit down to actually write something, my mind turns to mush and I can't even remember how to spell "write" (seriously, I just spelled it "right"). These pictures were taken during art and literature yesterday. B is so fun to photograph.
 Tonight, T is celebrating his 13th birthday at 25th and Skillern. He has 4 friends over for the night. They are currently fattening up on pizza, air heads, and Coke (the legal kind). So as you can imagine, I am locking myself in my bedroom for the evening, but not before I steal 10 pieces of candy and the whole 2 liter of Mountain Dew for my own personal party.
 Have a great weekend! I hear there is snow in the forecast...dang meteorologists better be right.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE these photos. You have such an eye for it and tell your story with them--no need for many words. I'm gonna have to pick your brain for photo tips! We have a bunch of girls at our house, I'm kinda wanting to hide too!
    Catherine Denton


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