My dear friend, Hannah posted this video on Facebook last week. Wow! I mean, how awesome is his story? Multi-millionaire NFL star leaves career to pursue God's call of farming on his life. HE LEARNED HOW TO FARM ON YOUTUBE. Yes yes yes yes.
If you've read my old posts at all, you know I like (love) gardening. I don't know a dang thing about it, but I love it. To me, there's nothing more satisfying than preparing a plot, planting a seed, watching it grow, and giving the fruits of my labor away.
I've always dreamed of living on acreage somewhere outside of town. I've got a vision of it in my head. Chickens running free and rows and rows of veggies growing taller than my head. My heart skips a beat or two when I think about turning my love for gardening into something a little bigger, more substantial. Something that blesses many hands and many tummies.
When I got pregnant last December, I had to put my garden on the back burner for the year as I was just too pregnant and it was just too hot for me to tend to it with the care it needed. You should see it right now, it is an overgrown weed patch with stalks of dead okra standing six feet tall. The cats love prowling around in there. Anyway... Now I'm no longer pregnant, I've got a little babe to care for. But, I can bend down! I can strap my baby on my back and have two free hands! Then when Naomi grows a little older, I'll have two extra hands to dig in the dirt with. I like where this is headed.
I guess the point I'm getting at is that, like in my previous post, I've got a passion. I've got an itch to do something, and I'm realizing I have to make time for it. You know what I'm learning? Satan loves when we're passive about our callings and purposes, especially if they are going to impact multiple peoples' lives in positive ways. That's exactly where he wants us to be, stagnant and in a constant state of "wondering if." I'm onto him, and I don't want to entertain him anymore.
So, I don't know what this looks like for me, this whole farming thing. I know it'll come to pass because God is good and He has given me such peace and confidence about this big vision. For now, I guess I'll learn what it looks like to take small steps of obedience in my own backyard.
I love when Jason Brown says in the video, "When I think about a life of greatness, I think about a life of service." Just like Jesus, who did not come to be served but to serve. That's what I want my life to be about.