02 January 2013

Hello, 2013!

 This is my verse for 2013. I don't usually tend to reflect back on the year and make resolutions for the one ahead, but for some reason, this year has been different. I was actually overjoyed when 2013 began. I'm only 2 days in so far, but it's already been a fragrant reminder of God's grace. He has given me another day/month/year to begin anew. Another opportunity to live the life of love and freedom He designed for me. I'm just feeling so thankful for that, because this past year was not my best "loving"-wise. So, yes...Paul, thank you for reminding me that I am a new creation in Christ. The old is gone, the new is here! That is good news my friends!

Without further adieu, here's some things I'm hoping to work on or even accomplish in 2013:

Talk less, love more. I mean talking in all ways possible. But mostly talking less about me loving people, talking less about wanting people to love other people, etc. and actually LOVING PEOPLE! It's a revolutionary idea. And one I need to do, Lord help me. I did too much talking in 2012.

Have a successful garden. Corn, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, okra, kale and much more. I've spent a long time dreaming about this, and dang-it, I'm gonna do it. I've got my garden plot about 75% complete. If I can get it done by March, I'll be on a good track for getting things planted on time to have a fruitful harvest.

Get more involved with my neighbors. I'm sad to say I only know the names of 3 of my neighbors. I'm hoping I can step out of my little bubble and be bold enough to talk to strangers right across the street. Maybe I'll bake them cookies...

GO TO SCHOOL! This one is in all caps because I never thought I'd want to go back to college. I'm planning on taking a few classes this fall for horticulture. It sounds nerdy, but I love everything that involves getting my hands in the dirt. I can't wait!

Learn to knit. Sweaters and mittens and hats, oh my!

Read more. I'm talking everything: The Bible (most importantly), the books I got for Christmas, and more nonfiction. I just don't read enough nonfiction. It's good for the imagination! Maybe I should finish Harry Potter. I'm on book four, and have been...for 2 years. Whoops.

Give more without complaining or worrying. More money, more time, more resources, more of anything I can. I want my heart to be transformed to look more and more like Jesus. And like Anne Frank said, no one ever became poor by giving. God's always been so faithful to provide, so I need to be more faithful with what He's given me.

I'm sure I'll think of more throughout the year, and gosh, I sure hope to be able to progress in most of these. It's going to be a great year for seeing how God molds me further into who I'm created to be.

Welcome, 2013. It's going to be a good one!

p.s.- Thanks to Meg, Mandy, and Catherine for inspiring me to make a list!
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