14 September 2012

Chore Chart!

 One of the {small} ways to make any household/community run smoothly is for everyone to chip in and clean together. I can remember being a kid and having my parents introduce my dad's hand drawn chore chart to the kids. It had the pictures of the chores and the punishment we'd receive if we didn't do them (which happened more often than not, sorry Mom and Dad!). Thankfully around here we're all considerate and independent adults, so no parental punishment will ensue. Whew!
 I've been very bad at making a chore chart for us and our roommates, but since Mandy is getting back into town and Erika is almost (not really) done housesitting, I decided we better get this ball rollin'! I'm so excited to get it lamenated.

  I can't wait to mark those spaces in with big giant Xs! It's no secret that I like to clean...
Do you have anything that helps keep you on task with chores? I'd love to hear!

Happy Friday! We'll be enjoying this awesome weather all weekend. Mmm mmm.

*I will be putting a full-size printable up in the next few days*

12 September 2012

Sweater Weather is Better Weather

 People of Oklahoma and surrounding states, sweater weather is almost here. That's something to get excited about, am I right? Sweaters apparently make us crazy and weird (but what's new?). But for real, stepping outside in the morning to an almost-crisp-not-as-humid morning is so wonderful for my soul. Isn't it amazing how God speaks to us even through the seasons? Mmm mmm, it is good!

 So, this is probably the 257th post you've read about the impending fall weather. But that's okay, because they're all true. So long, summer! Hellllllllllllo fall, and hello hopefully legitimate winter that follows.

*more "substantial" posts to come...maybe*

07 September 2012

Oh Baby, Baby

 My brother, Michael, and his family came to visit from Florida last week. They spent a wonderful five days here. It was such a joy. If you can't tell from the following pictures, I'm pretty obsessed with my super sweet nephew, Will. Boogies and all.

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