20 May 2012

Farm Anatomy

 How adorable are these farm illustrations by Julia Rothman? I ran across this book Farm Anatomy in B&N the other day and fell in love. I don't usually make birthday lists, but this will be added to mine this year. It will be a nice addition to my other coffee table gardening books.

After seeing these illustrations, I can't help but daydream of living on a beautiful farm and growing awesome food. Digging in the dirt is just plain good for my soul.

15 May 2012

You are fearfully and wonderfully made

 Today is my best friend's birthday. I'm reminded of just how faithful God is in leading friends into our lives to speak into in such big ways. Mandy, thanks for always loving me for who I am, for pursuing our friendship even when I wandered, and for being a beautiful sister and leader in Christ. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and I'm so glad God let our paths cross. Here's to 17+ more years of friendship! So incredibly glad you were born.

God bless you and keep you,
God smile on you and gift you,
God look you full in the face
and make you prosper.
Numbers 6:24-26, MSG


14 May 2012

Monday Snapshots

Here are a couple snapshots from our weekend in Branson. We had such a fun time even though we didn't do much, because every show costs 1 arm and 2 legs to get into. We did however manage to find a deliciously wonderful candy store and a beautiful lake. Trips with Kev are the best. They are good for my heart.

Summer vacation is right around the corner. 9 more school days here...but who's counting? Woo hoo!

Happy Monday!

08 May 2012

Wrapping Up

Sorry things have been quiet around here lately. Brandon and I are wrapping up the end of the school year, and we are trying to get as much work done as possible. And by work, I obviously mean planning an awesome end-of-the-school-year party. So far, we've come up with movies, bowling, and possibly the zoo. I can't wait to spoil him! He's been such a hard worker this year. 13 more school days, people!

I'm so excited for summer - hopefully I will be able to post on here more. We've got tons of gardening and house-ing projects to share, but it seems like we never get our camera out to document those... That will be one of my summer goals.

I hope you're enjoying this amazing spring weather. I know I am. Be blessed and be a blessing today!
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