25th and Skillern acquired a couple new roommates! No, not Eloise (I wish!).... Mandy and Erika moved in recently, and it has been amazing. We so love the positive atmosphere they brought along with them. I don't think a day goes by where we're all not cracking up together. Like last night when Erika, Kev, and I were hiding under the kitchen bar waiting for Mandy to come in so we could surprise her... It was unsuccessful, but still hilarious. Such a joy, I tell ya!
A new routine we started was Roommate Dinner. Four nights a week (one night for each of us), each of us cooks a meal for the rest of the roommates. Not only is it cheaper for all of us, but there's just something healthy and good about eating with other people. It's nourishing for the spirit and the body.
Last Friday, Mandy made such a delicious dinner: sauteed mushrooms and squash with bow-tie pasta accompanied by garlic bread and Caesar salad. Yum! Sadly, I didn't get many pictures of the meal, but I did manage to get lots of other random pictures that happened during meal time.
Eloise approves!
Mandy enjoys her favorite treat, lemon cookies!

Say cheese!
Tonight is my night to cook. I'm thinking spinach lasagna. Mmmmm.... Happy Monday!